Saturday, October 13, 2012

at a local hospital uterus myomectomy

(Reporter Li -heng, correspondent Ge peak ) a 24 -year-old unmarried female actually 130 uterine fibroids long ! Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College gynecological Second District recently admitted to one of these rare cases , through timely surgery , the patient was discharged .
According to Guangzhou Medical the three the hospital gynecology raw Xiu-jie Director introduced the patient Ali (a pseudonym ) , who lives in Zengcheng , 24 years old this year , unmarried without a child four years ago , uterine fibroids received at a local hospital uterus myomectomy. In the past year , Ali found that to own increased menstrual flow , as well as dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms of anemia . Recently she came to Kwong Wah Hospital gynecological detailed examination of multiple uterine fibroids Northface Women's Bionic Jackets. During surgery , the doctor was surprised to find Ali utero many fibroids nodules , ranging in size , round or oval , up to 40 × 40 × 40mm , minimum 1 × 1mm . the most common benign tumors of the female genital compare favor of women 30 to 50 years old . Most no obvious symptoms . The exact cause of uterine fibroids is still not very clear , but high levels of estrogen in the body , long-term estrogen stimulation UGG Ultra Tall Clearance. Uterine fibroids often occurs in ovarian function exuberant women of childbearing age , and obese women with family history of cancer Northface Women's Boots, and uterine fibroids such people easier .
women if the following symptoms should seek immediate medical attention :
lower abdominal mass : consciously abdominal swelling the northface jackets, accompanied by a sense of falling . Can sometimes lower abdominal palpable mass , especially in the early morning Bieniao .
leucorrhea increase : an increase in vaginal discharge , but also generate a lot of pus and blood drain and carrion -like tissue discharge associated with odor if submucosal fibroids coinfection .
individuals also frequent urination , lumbosacral pain , and even infertility . 

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